Tuesday, April 7, 2009

101 in 1001 #4, a few more

From Friday
62. Fix 5 things with duct tape
63. Buy those elusive marker pens I love from work
64. Bring in a dozen donuts for work on a Friday morning
65. Finish all my paper filing at work
66. Buy a new pair of jeans
67. Get a new remote for my receiver
68. Get (or make) some sort of organizer for my remotes
69. Go to a garage sale
70. Win 3 free t-shirts

30 left to go after those...

More ideas:
-Buy a >$40 bottle of scotch
-Vacuum my room 18 times
-Read 6 books
-Get a free GameFly trial subscription
-Watch the Academy Award winning Best Picture movies since 1983 that I haven't seen yet (15 total)

Bleh, I keep having ideas then not writing them down, I know I've come up with at least 5 more in the past two days that I forgot. Gotta remember to write them down right away next time. :-\


  1. Bike rides!!!

    And I should be on your list too. ;)

  2. I know, I thought of it right after I posted, but I'll come up with a way to make it a measureable goal next time I post.

    Eh, I don't think I need to explicitly put you on my list, seeing as how I'm sure you'll be involved in a lot of these goals anyways, lol.

  3. If you do, it would help fill out your list faster.
